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Soom T sings with Don Plok on his new single

Soom T sings with Don Plok on his new single

A track inspired by early reggae and soundsystem culture, with current sound and powerful basses, in a collaboration of Don Plok and Dunumba Soundsystem with Soom T, a reference of the world scene in its genre.

About Soom T

Soom T is a Scottish Indian artist with a song writing and performing career spanning 20+ years and barely needs an introduction. She has written songs with over 100 artists and producers worldwide across a diverse genre field including The Orb, King Creosote, Tigerstyle, Mad Professor, Vibronics, GAUDI, Don Letts, Marina P, Queen Omega and many others.

About Don Plok

Don Plok is a producer, DJ, and percussionist based in Buenos Aires with over 13 years of activity. He mixes contemporary rhythms with traditional African patterns; Classic Vinyl Samples, and Synthesizers. His influences varied from Latin American Folk, Dub, Electronic Music, and the Cumbias of his teenage years.

Founder and resident of Guateque Soundz, since 2010- with which he has enveloped countless artists like La Delio Valdez, Uji, and La Dame Blanche. In 2018 he also co-founded Dunumba Soundsystem.

During the last years, he toured through Latin America and Europe at festivals such as Fusion (Germany), Goulash Disko (Kroatien), and Movimientos (UK), among others.

He collaborated with artists such as Chancha Vía Circuito, Martha Van Straaten, Sara Hebe, Tinariwen, Dj Peligro, Silverio, and Rafael Aragón.

Don Plok, Soom T & Dunumba Soundsystem - Wandering Thoughts (Folcore Records & Rebel Up! Records)
Don Plok, Soom T & Dunumba Soundsystem – Wandering Thoughts (Folcore Records & Rebel Up! Records)


released March 10, 2023

Author: Sumati Bhardwaj aka Soom T
Composer: Pablo Carpignano aka Don Plok
Percussion: Leo Andrade.
Producer: Pablo Carpignano & Manuel Schaller in Villa Centenario, and Oídos Contentos
Mix & Mastering: Manuel Schaller
Cover Art: Daniela Raskovsky
Executive production: Pablo Carpignano, Folcore Records and Rebel Up! Records