Delahuerta – Tórtolas (Remixes) ft. Mû Mbana and Laizä
About Tórtolas
The sound of Turtledoves fluttering above my house signals the arrival of good weather….
They return in spring and always fly to create the nest in the same place as the previous year. Their sound with a continuous rhythm inspires me tranquillity… calm… peace… a great gift in the times we live in.
Mû Mbana, composer and performer of multiple stringed instruments with which he spreads tones and aromas of Africa around the world. A native of Bolama Island in Guinea-Bissau, he grew up influenced by the religious chants of the women of the Brame (Macanha) and Bijagos (Bidjugu) ethnic groups. Mû is one of the people who pushed me the most to take this project forward, and he has also been in charge of the vocals on this track.
I was also lucky to have the collaboration of Theodoros Koumartzis on Greek lyre, and Sergio Di Finizio on electric bass. Cid Napalma, Wellington Coelho and Morgan Stern added percussion from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
— DJ Panko
The release is completed with an alternative version with vocals by Laizä, an artist from Los Barrios, Cádiz, based in Madrid, and remixes by the Colombian artist Ruido Selecto, the Galicians Terrae and the Catalan producer of Mexican origin MiRET.
delahuerta, ep, folcore records, laiza, miret, mu mbana, remixes, ruido selecto, terrae